Saturday, December 14, 2013

Watch this video!!!

I know this will probably put you on overload... two posts in one night. I know, crazy right? I had to post this though! One of the guys in our group, Marvin Roxas, is extremely talented and creative. He put together this video of our time at Kulika, so now you can see a little of what life was like for us there! Pay attention to the girls washing clothes, and you will see a familiar face!

I hope you enjoy! If you think about it, leave a comment youtube for Marvin telling him how awesome he is. It's the truth.  Miss you all!



  1. Love the video and the update!! Keep us posted!! Love you girl and I know you are spreading Jesus love everywhere you go!!

  2. Daddy thinks you should become an author because you write so well! KEEP THE BLOGS COMING! Love hearing about your story! Love and miss you so much! - Momma

  3. What a joy it is to hear all that is going on in your life while serving in the Peace Corp. You sound so excited. WE absolutely loved the video. He sure did a GREAT job! Can't even imagine washing clothes in a tub, but one does what one has to do. We just don't realize how well off we have it here in the good old USA. Take good care of yourself and know you are in our prayers. Merry Christmas and may 2014 be a wonderful year for you. God's blessings, Sharon and Rick Libby
