Wednesday, October 30, 2013

It Begins with a Verse

"Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it." -Psalm 34:14

I love this verse. I actually love that entire chapter, which breathes into life the beauty of exalting the Lord and the truth of how he cares for us in return.  You may wonder how this verse is relevant when I am supposed to be writing to you about my Peace Corps experience, but it is perhaps the heart of the reason I am going to Uganda.  The Peace Corps was created in the '60s to challenge individuals "to serve their country in the cause of peace by living and working in developing countries." I love my country, but first and foremost I praise a God who has called us to serve others and to seek peace. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve through the Peace Corps. I pray that during this time, peace can be pursued and, ultimately, that God can be glorified. Please join me in this 27 month journey to Uganda, and through my words may you be encouraged to seek peace and pursue it in your own life.


  1. Best wishes for today, Jenna. Stay strong and faithful and know we love you like crazy! - Momma

  2. Praying for you girl!! Take care and let people see Jesus in you!
    Love you!

  3. Jenna, Hoping that this day finds peace and happiness, along with some sleep.
    Jackson said they talked with you this morning and know that must help with your day. You are a precious lady to God, family, friends, and others. Your strong faith will help you immensely on this journey. I love and miss you, Aunt Candace

  4. I am so thankful for you! Change the world, baby. Happy Thanksgiving. - love, Momma

  5. Hey gal. We miss you today. Happy Thanksgiving sweetie. Love ya, Pam

  6. Missing you today! SO incredibly proud of you!! Jackson is here (were being lazy during class...) he says HI!!! I sent you an email on your really old account and I don't think it worked. Jackson was suppose to look it up for me, but forgot. I emailed your coach to get the address lol I'm a stalker. LOVE YOU!!!

  7. Hey babe,
    I have been missing you a lot these last few weeks. I keep adding you onto my snap chat you may be in for a surprise when you open them lol. I pray for you each and every day. You are doing God's work, and although I miss you terribly, I know it is for GOOD! God is so good, and I know he is going to protect you through your journey....I can't wait to hear what's already happened since you have been gone. I LOVE YOU!!

  8. Jen,
    I absolutely loved seeing your face today--with Hannah and then the giraffe!! Truly made my day. When I saw you with the giraffe I got so excited and started singing a little jingle "Jen and a giraffe in Africa", after a little while, Kyle started singing it too. I'll sing it for you when you get back. :) Anyways, I love you, I miss you, and I'm praying for you my dear friend!!!
